DATC Member Milton to participate in DRS Network & Imaging Systems Award to Integrate a 3TIG OBVP and Electrified Components onto a Prototype FMTV

DATC  Member DRS Network & Imaging Systems Wins Award to Integrate a 3TIG  OBVP and Electrified Components onto a Prototype FMTV

Defense  Automotive Technologies Consortium (DATC) member DRS Network &  Imaging Systems LLC has been selected to work on the integration of a  3000 Transmission Integral Generator (3TIG) Onboard Vehicle Power (OBVP)  and Electrified Components onto a prototype Family of Medium Tactical  Vehicle (FMTV).

TROY, Mich., June 5, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Defense Automotive Technologies Consortium (DATC)  member DRS Network & Imaging Systems LLC has been selected to work  on the integration of a 3000 Transmission Integral Generator (3TIG)  Onboard Vehicle Power (OBVP) and Electrified Components onto a prototype  Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle (FMTV).

The  object of this prototype project is to convert two (2) PM THAAD Family  of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) M1085A1s that support the THAAD Fire  Control and Communications (TFCC) component. The conversion of the two  (2) PM THAAD FMTV M1085A1s will include the capability of Vehicle to  Grid (V2G)/Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) microgrid supply for the THAAD TFCC  and Battery Support Center (BSC). The resulting prototype THAAD System  should be able to demonstrate the following capabilities: improved power  robustness (while eliminating three or more towed generators), reduced  fuel use, and reduced downtime due to maintenance inspections.

This  marks the tenth government project awarded through DATC, a unique  program enabling connection of advanced automotive suppliers to the U.S.  Army’s efforts to modernize its ground forces. DATC’s technology  capabilities helped the government link to DRS Network & Imaging  Systems, the member that will be working on this 12-month project.

DRS  Network & Imaging Systems is a subsidiary of Leonardo DRS, a prime  contractor, leading technology innovator and supplier of integrated  products, services and support to military forces, intelligence agencies  and defense contractors worldwide. For implementation of this project,  DRS Network & Imaging Systems will collaborate with Milton  Manufacturing Inc. and Allison Transmission Inc.

“We  are thrilled to continue our support of PM THAAD’s improvement  initiatives with the support of traditional and non-traditional defense  contractors,” said Dave Porreca,  Executive Director of DATC. “The increased power capabilities will  position the vehicles for necessary changes now and for future  technology integrations.”

DATC  currently has nearly 200 members, with nearly 70 percent of these  classified as non-traditional defense contractors. DATC members gain  access to government projects and visibility of their capabilities to  the Government and among other members. A majority of DATC members have  limited or no prior government procurement experience. They greatly  benefit from a facilitator such as DATC, which streamlines the process  and requirements for engaging the government.

About DATC

The  Defense Automotive Technologies Consortium (DATC) is a unique  public-private partnership created in 2016 to connect advanced  automotive technology suppliers to government technology modernization  efforts. DATC can address work from any government agency, including  state governments, related to the core technology areas defined in its  scope. DATC was created through SAE Industry Technologies Consortia  (ITC) to support the Defense Arsenal Automotive (DA2) OTA sponsored by  U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems  Center; ‘automotive’ is broadly understood as self-propelled vehicles  for land, air, sea or space. DATC’s eight core technology areas are:  Automotive Cyber Security; Vehicle Safety; Vehicle Light Weighting;  Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Systems; Connected Vehicles;  Advanced Energy Storage; Propulsion; Active Suspension.

More information about DATC, including upcoming events and membership information, can be found at: http://datc.saeitc.org.

About SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC)

SAE  Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC) is a 501(c)(6) affiliate of SAE  International, and its membership is comprised of public and private  organizations collaborating in a neutral forum to drive innovative  solutions to key industry challenges. More information is available at http://sae-itc.org.

Media Contacts

Shawn Andreassi
SAE International

David Porreca